Saturday, December 8, 2012

"We do not create Christmas; we share it."

As a person in vocational ministry, a good portion of my life is in a fishbowl, and I grow increasingly accustomed to that.  But, during the two focal seasons in the Christian year, Advent and Christmas, it seems like both my life and the life of the entire church is in a very large, very clear fish TANK.  Aquarium, even.  It is this time of year that we pull out all the stops because everyone says that everyone is either watching or visiting!  So, we shine and spruce up the place.  We host concerts and parties.  We get out and serve, serve, serve.  We put up signage, print more worship guides, and try to remember to wear our name badges.  We work hard to preach and live the Gospel all year long, but especially in the time when we celebrate Christ's birth and resurrection, we work to share the Gospel invitation!  And, so it feels like the pressure's for me is at home and in this tank or aquarium of ours, to some extent!

All to say, that this made me really resonate when I read in Day 6's reflection ... "We do not create Christmas; we share it."  (p. 24).  I need to always remember that, and live that out.  I think that I might even write that on a sticky note and place it in my purse!

What about you?  How did you feel about Day 6?

Please read and respond to one or more of the questions by commenting below.

Questions to Ponder:

  • You do not create Christmas but share it.  How does hearing this help you?

  • How might you focus on God's rule and God's gift of Jesus this Christmas?  Think about ways you might simplify your gift giving and celebrating in order to help keep Jesus as the reason for the season.


  1. And now I am going to comment on my own post. LOL. Here's a response to the first question: Amen to that! It's simply our job as disciples of the baby born in the manger to model a way of life that expresses and share God's love with one and all. Not an easy task, and one that we work to share authentically, honestly, and sensitively in an increasing secular and inter-faith environment. The reminder that I didn't create Christmas is a relief to me in so many ways. It's my job to be a disciple of Christ, and live out my calling. Not to be Christ!!! Hooray!

  2. These comments make me think about a phrase I've heard lately. "it's not your birthday" so why all the presents for people? When I remember that it is Jesus' birthday, I become less stressed. It is not just another holiday but the birth of my savior. For some reason I can't explain, there is a joy and presence that calms me and gives me hope that all will be alright. All the food will be ready and all presents wrapped and under the tree. Perhaps, it takes me out of the daily chores to be ready for the Christmas giving and eating and brings me back to be a silent observer in a Bethlehem stable. Watching as Mary and Joseph settle in with their newborn child. Swaddling and loving him as any mom and dad does with their new baby. So when the hustle and bustle of the season overwhelm me, I take a breath, and reflect on that scene in the manger where mom and dad are welcoming their new baby. Calm returns and I go back to my busyness preparing for holiday dinners and gift giving that remind all of us about the birth of Jesus.
